Spring Summer Wedding Bouquets with Garden Style & Classic Style
Before I moved in Connecticut, I was living in NYC and I was trained at Miho Kosuda florist who is extremely talented and my wonderful...
Classic Blue Wedding at Foxwoods + Lake of Isles
Allison reached out to me through her friend Megan ( We did flowers for Megan's wedding two years ago!). My customers and I usually work...
"James Bond" Themed Styled Photoshoot at Wadsworth Mansion
I was so thrilled when my favorite style shoot designer Lisa from Creative Concepts by Lisa asked me to design the flowers for this...
Classic Beach Wedding at Madison Beach Hotel
If you are dreaming about a beach ceremony right in front of the ocean, Madison Beach Hotel is a great spot to make this dream come true....
​ ​​ ​Cheerful Wedding at Riverside Yacht Club in Greenwich
Although the day was raining and a little chilly, the wedding at Riverside Yacht Clubwas cheerful, classic, and intimate. The reception...
NY Style Classic Peony Wedding at Yale & Woodwinds
At the time Peonies were fortuitously blooming perfectly, this gorgeous couple - Megan and Josh from New York - had a classic and...